Friday, October 31, 2008

If you like Pat Boone, check this video out!

I got a robocall on behalf of Dana Rohrabacher my incumbent Congressman this afternoon. He got Pat Boone to record it for him. No Shit! Dana is well known as the least effective nemesis of illegal aliens in Congress. He tries to pass himself off as a closeted gay. The rumor is that he is a pedophile. It would be nice if he was defeated this year. I doubt it. My district is the most gerrymandered and Republican packed, in the country. The people here would vote for Jeffrey Dahmer if he had an (R) after his name on the ballot.

I'm 57 and I remember Pat on the radio when I was 5 or 6 years old. The big hit I remember and it must have been his last one, was "Love and Marriage". Ya'know, goes together like a horse and carriage. Even my Mom was too hip for Pat. She was more of a Mario Lanza kind of girl.

I wish I could tell you about the Robocall but I almost immediately screamed, "Fuck You, Pat", into the receiver and slammed it down. I guess I'm getting a little tense and irritable, with the election coming up and all, as you can probably tell by the irrational and obscene postings I'm putting up today. Sorry.

I don't have the heart to put up anything by Pat Boone. He's too fucked up. I got something much better for you. It's definitely in the Pat Boone tradition of Pop musical interpretation. CLICK on the title. Who doesn't like Larry Welk? Topical, hip, yet bizarrely, almost surrealistically, wholesome. Watch it all the way through. His comment at the end is the best part. He thinks it's a modern Spiritual. Well. who can really say it's not.

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