Friday, October 20, 2006

"When you talk terroristic to me Baby, it makes me uulate with desire"

As far as the Global War on Terror goes, I get the concept. Militant Islamic Jihadis, out to humiliate our culture and disrupt our way of life. We have to stop them. It's the execution that I have some problems with.

I keep getting visions of the Disney adaptation of the Tales of Uncle Remus. Osama is Brer Rabbit. We and our allies are the pursuing Brer Fox and Brer Bear. The mountains of Afghanistan are the briar patch and Iraq is the tar baby. Are you getting the picture? If one of the participants in a conflict, is able to gain control of the conflict, they have a huge advantage. Osama is all about control. It doesn't matter that he has almost no military resources or strength. He can keep us expending huge amounts of effort and resources, virtually indefinitely, and it costs him nothing.

While we are flailing around, we exhaust ourselves. We alienate large portions of the worlds population. Best of all, for Osama, we give him credence. He is the one, who has reduced the Great Shaitan to impotency. It is a terrorist recruiters dream come true. It is not necessary to promise the young terrorist boys virgins in heaven. They have become a very romantic and sexy commodity here on earth, to the emancipated, Islamic girls of today.

I can hear those Islamic girls now, " When you talk terroristic to me baby, it makes me uulate with desire."


lazlong said...

"I can hear those Islamic girls now, " When you talk terroristic to me baby, it makes me uulate with desire."'

Would that be before, or after they are raped just because they are a woman?

It seems to me that the problem isn't us "creating" terrorists, it is the sick, twisted, 8th century belief system that is the cause. Remember, the crusades were a response to the jihad of that day, and it seems that violence is the only thing that they understand. Talking to madmen hasn't worked in the past, what makes anyone think that it will work in the future?
My solution? Become energy independant (at a high cost), then remove all aid to those societies, let them go broke and revert back to what they truly want to be, nomads with no hope for a future. If they want to join the modern world, they will have to reform their own ways, we should not bend to accomodate them, because it will mean our desturction.

reddog said...

It is the Islamicists that need the war. They see the religion losing it's hold on the younger, educated elements of the population.

They know they can't stop some change but if they can keep hatred and violence toward non-believers as part of the system of beliefs, they have won.

We are helping them with that.