Sunday, April 12, 2009

Jesus Lives

Didja go to church today to commemorate the resurrection of Christ? If you did, why? It seems to me that the churches are full of very evil conservatives and all they do is preach and make up rules that they want others, including non believers, to follow. They are disgusting and nobody listens to them, not even their own spouses and children. They never make converts. Others join them when they get too old, mean and stupid to get along with regular people.

There are some Christians that you find out in the World, with real people. They don't make rules, they set an example. Many of these Christians are politically progressive. Many are women. Most are not openly acknowledged by organized religion as "real" Christians. They may be the kind of gay or lesbian that don't molest little children, the kind the Church doesn't like. The Churchmen may think they want to usurp positions of authority in the hierarchy, although this is almost never the case.

I grew up with enough Christianity to know what the major tenets are and when the significant annual celebrations are. I don't believe any of it. Still, I admire and respect those Christians out in the World doing good work. The ones in the churches are Nazis and scare the shit out of me. When they start to spread their poisonous hate they should be put down like hydrophoby skunks.

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Anonymous said...
