Friday, March 20, 2009

Go Ahead, Knock Yourself Out, Norm

Norm Coleman will lose the contested election for the Senate seat from the State of Minnesota. His current plan is to continue to contest the election as long as possible and tie the inevitable outcome up in the courts. In this way, he denies the Democrats one more Senator in their bicameral Congressional majority. If it made some kind of functional difference it might be a smart move by Coleman. As it is, it doesn't and it's not.

In the end, Al Franken will get the seat. Minnesota will have been without half of its Senate representation for who knows how long. When they ask why, the answer will be the intransigence of the Republican party and Norm Coleman. It's not good public relations. It isn't going to help the Republicans win any future elections. It doesn't change the outcome of any Senate votes.

Franken is quietly and politely waiting for the issue to be decided. It's not hurting him. He doesn't need any more publicity. His name recognition is among the highest in the nation.

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