Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Modern Catholic Hero

Tony Blair is a great hero to the Christo fundies here in America, who remember him as George Bush's seemingly only friend, among the leadership of the democratic, developed, World. His star has risen even higher with them, now that he has joined the Catholic church.

It doesn't surprise me that most Catholics welcome him into the fold. His views seem totally compatible with those of my Catholic friends, neighbors and co workers. It does seem strange that the bile spewing, hate mongers, among the values voting crowd, welcome him as well. How stupid are they?

Tony supports subsidized birth control and abortion on demand, for everyone from the age of puberty on, in all cases, with no parental notification. He always has. Tony believes in total integration of homosexual families into society, with no reservations. He forced Catholic adoption agencies to provide gay couples equal service or shutdown. He made it against the law to even speak of homosexuality negatively or as a sin, at any gathering, public or private, including at any church or religious venue in Great Britain. Tony believes in the ordination of women into the priesthood. He believes in abolishing celibacy among the clergy. He believes that the laity must take more responsibility for and greater control of, church doctrine, dogma, liturgy, finances and public outreach. He is supported in all of these beliefs by his wife, a lifelong Catholic and the person he credits with his conversion to Catholicism.

I wish Tony well in his adventures in the Catholic World. He sounds like the kind of man I would be proud to call a friend. George Bush was lucky to have him. He should have listened to him more, instead of playing him for a dupe.

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