Friday, August 31, 2007

The Surging Truth Will Out

We are winning the war in Iraq. We are winning because GWB and his generals tell us we are winning. We have previously made missteps but everything is on track now. The insurgency is on it's last legs. It's only a matter of time before things are under control. The Iraqis are building a functional coalition from which they can effectively govern the country.

We have heard these same statements from the administration since the beginning of our military involvement in Iraq. It's different this time, though. Something has changed. Through the first three years, one of the main points the administration pounded away on, over and over, was that the troops, the enlisted combat troops, on the ground in Iraq, supported the mission and wanted to stay to complete it. They have stopped saying that. Have you noticed. I have.

I don't think that support for the war was ever as universal as the administration made it out to be among combat troops. I do think they saw the mission in Iraq as their job and kept their opinions to themselves and their mouths shut, the way soldiers always have. I think the administration realizes that as the years drag on and more and more Iraq veterans rotate out of the war zone and then out of the military, they will begin to give vent to their true feelings. They will express their opinions about the reasons we went to Iraq. They will express their opinions of the strategies employed by their military leaders. They will express their opinions of the competence and character of the officers that led them. They will express their opinion of exactly what was accomplished by the sacrifice of their youth and blood and lives.

No, the administration no longer talks of the support for the war by the troops on the front lines. Make no mistake though. We are winning. GWB and his generals tell us so. The insurgency is on it's last legs. It's only a matter of time. And money. And blood. And lives.

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