Sunday, December 14, 2008

Burnin' Down the Church

The Hivehead's Church up in Wasilla burned down Friday night. They say it's arson. It's a story covered heavily by Fox News and Wingnut blogs like Powerline and NRO. While they make no accusations, the Salmon Slut herself speculates it was politically motivated and targeted against her.

What's going to happen is the local law will find that the Church was accidentally burned down by members of the Church youth group, while smoking crack in the basement, after punch and cookies upstairs. The only connection to the Governess will be that one or more of her own sticky faced brood will have been gathered 'round the pipe. The glossolalian halfwits of Wasilla will be too embarrassed to admit that their own differently abled progeny incinerated their tabernacle in pursuit of narcotic oblivion. The matter will be handled privately.

You're never going to hear about it again after today.

1 comment:

beebs said...

The "Salmon Slut".

I tell you, it is prime writing like this that brings me back. Such wonderful alliteration.

I told my wife I was going to get her a caribou barbie T shirt for the holidays and she said don't you dare.