So, what do you think the most important story of 2008 is?
The success of the surge in Iraq and Bush's glorious victory over World wide terrorism?
The Pope's benevolent forgiveness of Galileo after only 400 years, for insisting the earth is round and circles the Sun? Even though all good Christians know it's not true.
The election of America's first foreign born, Islamic terrorist, commie, mudperson President, Barack Obama?
My pick is the World's continuing economic meltdown. It seems like a no brainer to me, although I read on that homosexuals are brainwashing our children in school, killed Terri Schiavo, force young girls into having abortions with dirty serrated grapefruit spoons and want to roast Sarah Palin's mongoloid baby in a pit at a Hawaiian luau, then eat his flesh, that seems pretty serious too.
What am I missing? Leave comments.
The economic collapse of 2008 is indeed the major story. Everything is in the shitter. Every thirty years, the goldbugs are right.
I just read where Sarah PALIN is now a grandmother, and we can't have a grandmother in the White House in 2013 now can we?
Equipment Operator Loses to Pirahnas
I'm no goldbug. I don't think it's magic. I never owned any before and maybe never will again. I wish I had bought in the high six's instead of where I did.
As far as grandmothers in the White House. I think Barry O's Mama-in-law will do fine in the Lincoln bedroom.
I'm thinking the complete lack of interest in being wiretapped, eavesdropped, photographed by cameras on every street corner and bank records spied on by the FBI et al is the big story.
But I like the financial meltdown. Nothing like giving a trillion dollars to a group of people who have just demonstrated the ability to lose unthinkable amounts of money to make a splash in the papers.
I think yours is a good one too, Buck. The fact that nobody seems to care as Constitutional protections are stripped away, is a mind blower.
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