Monday, December 08, 2008


The great fear among the Catholic Cardinals and Bishops, conservative clergy and fundo fascist televangelists in this country, is that after the next Congress convenes the Freedom of Choice Act will be passed and President Obama will sign it into law.

There is no good reason why this shouldn't happen. Democrats needn't fear that anyone will be alienated by this action and cease to vote for them. The country is already polarized on this issue and abortion is the litmus test by which voters on the right judge all political candidates. The right has already done everything it can to demonize those on the pro choice side of the issue. Even so, people who don't believe in abortion and this is the majority of Americans, believe it is a personal choice, not an act to be punished by punitive laws.

The damage is done. Everybody has already chosen sides. I say, pass the son of a bitch. Then listen to the pigs squeal.

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