Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Unless you have proof otherwise, you have to believe what the outgoing President tells you. As far as national security and intelligence is concerned, either the very highest officials in our defense, security and intelligence are liars, criminals and traitors or the current President and Vice President are. I think it's probably both and that they should all be tarred, feathered and deported to the farthest reaches of the territories and held under guard for life.

We went to war not once but twice and nearly more, on the strength of intelligence that proved grossly wrong. The military, intelligence and diplomatic communities within our government have much to answer for and so far have not. Many within these communities are right wing, crypto fascist fanatics, some are Israeli operatives, many undoubtedly have substance abuse problems which cause them to function in bizarre and unexplainable ways.

President Obama needs someone he trusts to run national security and intelligence. He doesn't need anybody from the community, likely already tainted. He has no choice than to go with Panetta.

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