Thursday, January 01, 2009

Revved Up Like a Deuce, Another Runner in the Night

Let's talk about the Middle East a little bit and let's start with the Muslims. Nobody likes the Muslims. Nobody. Try and name anyone outside of The Islamic faith that has even the least affinity for them. You can't do it. They had a brief Renaissance, in the distant past but no Reformation. For all intents and purposes they have made no social progress in well over a thousand years. They have no tolerance or understanding for anyone with values or beliefs other than their own. They subjugate, enslave and mutilate even their own women. They don't just kill them when they disobey. They bury them up to their shoulders and then throw rocks at them until they are dead. They make other women do it, in public. They have no concept of universal human rights. Any charity on their part must be accompanied by abject surrender to Islam. A thousand years ago, when they were active geopolitically, they were a worse scourge upon humanity than any force before or since. Worse than Genghis Khan. Worse than the Huns. Worse than the Nazis. Nobody wants to see them out and about again.

What cut their balls off the last time was the Crusades. For hundreds of years, the West sent armies into the heart of the Holy Land to fuck with them. It didn't beat them but it disrupted the culture in a major way. Universities shut down. Science languished. Communication was disrupted. Trade diminished. Middle Eastern society was forced back into a subsistence mode. Out on the fringes of Islamic expansion, Spain, North Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia Minor and South Asia, the Empire became brittle and eventually disintegrated, lacking a strong heart.

With the twentieth century, the break up of European colonialism and the advent of unlimited petroleum wealth, the stage was set again for the rise of Islamic culture. Nobody was happy about it. Only one thing has kept the rise of Middle Eastern Islamic culture from becoming a major problem for the World. The Jews.

Israel keeps everything off balance in the Middle East, all the time. There are no wars of consolidation, only wars against the Jews. There are no plans to expand outward, only plans to destroy the constant irritant within. The young do not learn science and industry, they only learn to hate the Jews. No matter how hard the combined forces of Islam tries to destroy them, the Jews keep kicking their ass. The West is very happy about this and for the Jews, so far so good.

At some point, the Jews are going to have to ask themselves, what do they get out of this deal. The ideal of Zionism is all well and good but it is becoming clear that the Jews are never going to be allowed to live peacefully in their own State among Arab neighbors. The best and brightest of the Jews are inexorably drawn to the fight in Israel. In the meantime, a large portion of Jewish society has devolved into traditionalist sects like the Lubavitcher, who are about as militantly ignorant, brutal and primitively backward as most Muslims. Among Jews who remain in diaspora, if they support Zionism, they are viewed as an unfriendly foreign presence in the countries where they reside and become subject to resurgent anti Semitism. Those who deny Zionism, cease to be regarded as Jews by their coreligionists and rapidly assimilate into the native population. Zionism shows every sign of being the wedge which, even in Israel itself, will irreparably shatter the cohesiveness of Jewish culture.

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