Saturday, February 21, 2009

Before the Cock Crows Three Times

Richard Perle now denies that that there is a neocon philosophy, or neocons. If there were any such thing, he denies he would have been one or sympathized with them. He denies that he ever supported any pro Israeli American foreign policy. He denies that he worked for or was in any way influential within the Bush administration.

I understand what he's saying. I just don't understand the point of it. There has been a whole generation of men and women who have risen up in America who are not Americans. Their primary allegiance is to the cause of Zionism and whatever is left is to themselves. They never tried to hide their sympathies. Their thesis is that the causes of Zion and America are the same. They are, in fact, not. Never were.

This group that Perle belongs to includes William Kristol, Elliot Abrams, Paul Wolflowitz, David Frum, Max Boot and thousands more across America. They believe Americans are stupid sheep. They despise them. They value our thoughts, aspirations and lives not at all.

People understand this but Americans are a fair people. Neocons were born in this country. They are technically Americans. Everyone is entitled to put forward their own opinions and preferences. At the same time, why the neocons say what they say and do what they do, has nothing to do with what's good for this nation or in it's best interest. People realize this.

Does Perle think he can walk away from what he's spent an entire lifetime making of himself?

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