Monday, February 16, 2009

The Little Nazi Stumbles Into His Own Private Krystol Nacht

Here's my favorite story of the week. Over at the Vatican, Fester got his little white satin beanie handed to him, his ermine collar all ruffled, his lacy mu mu in a bunch and his shiny, red slippers, scuffed.

The Austrian clergy had sent il Popo Gigo a list of candidates from which to choose the new Bishop of Linz. Instead of doing as bid, he designated one of his flighty proteges, a priest named Gerhard Wagner, for the job. Gerhard, who bears a striking resemblance to Hermann Goering, sometimes likes to "exorcise" young boys of their excess demon fluids, has stated that hurricane Katrina was sent against New Orleans as punishment for the homosexuality, libertinism and abortion that goes on there, also believes that the Harry Potter books are evil and their author, J.K. Rowling, is a creature of Satan and should be burned. Sounds to me kind of like the pot calling the kettle scorched.

The people of Austria couldn't care less who the Pope makes a bishop. They rarely go to church anyway. The priests of Austria, who still hope to have some kind of meaningful relationship with the people, do care. So, all the priests in Austria got together and implored the Pope not to do this thing.

The Pope just said, "Fuck off, my choice".

Next, the priests had a little "talk" with Gerhard. Gerhard took himself out of the running. Next day. He's going to be living in Linz, after all, not the Vatican.

Ratzo will have to pick a new bishop of Linz. Maybe next time he will stick to the list. Maybe not. Slow learner.

1 comment:

beebs said...

I don't follow the Roman church doings much. My brother married a Catholic woman and I noticed two things: 1) Protestants are not welcome at RC Communion. 2) Their Lord's Prayer is different and they make a point about it.

The thrust of your article is great. Of course, the priests should have a say in who governs over them.