Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Proper Use Of Science Is Investigating God's World

I think this is interesting. I don't believe Chuck Colson is a genius but he's about as smart as fundamentalist Christians get.

He seems to be saying here that things don't have to be factually wrong to be denied, only morally objectionable. While I think this has always been the case with organized religion, they have never come out and actually said it. He proposes that there is a separate "Christian view of reality", which trumps scientific reality, because Christian reality came first and is innately superior. Flat Earth, four thousand years old, anyone?

Do you think this can work? Read about it here.

Tell me what you think.

1 comment:

beebs said...

I'm at a loss to retort. Men have been wondering about origins for centuries. Darwin just put it all together, and his theory of evolution is being proven every time they sequence a genome.

I'm a fan of stem cell research because the eggheads might discover something wonderful and help mankind. Or do we really worry about a few cells in a petri dish.

Here's the kicker: the Donation page. http://www.pfm.org/contentindex.asp?ID=953 It's all about money.
