Sunday, April 13, 2008

Couricador-The Last Stand of Network News

Les Moonves already knew network news was dead. The ratings have been going South for decades. I quit watching the network news in the mid-seventies. I started watching the McNeil Lehrer Report on PBS. It was much better. By the late seventies, CNN had put together a totally new type of TV news delivery system and even fewer people watched the networks. Today, on the net, you can access as much or as little, about any breaking news story, anywhere in the World, from whatever perspective you like.

They wanted to try something new with the network news. The problem was, they didn't have the intelligence or imagination to carry it through. In the end, they just tried to pound poor little Katie into the traditional anchor slot, with the predictable result that she looks like an idiot.

Now they are going to kick Katie to the curb and blame the fiasco on her. Well, she was stupid enough to take the job and they are paying her good money to take the fall. I'm sure Barbara will be glad to have her on the View.

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