Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Winning in Iraq

The fundo fascists accuse everyone else in America of not wanting to "win" the war in Iraq. Winning the war would seem to include, according to them, the following outcomes.

1) A stable, representative government, responsive and respectful of the rights of all of its citizens.
2)Able to exercise control over it's entire territory and defend against all internal and external threats to it's sovereignty.
3)Friendly to Western powers, accepting of Israels right to existence and an ally in the fight against Islamist terrorism and jihad.

Not even one of these goals is achievable. Not by us. Not by them. Ever. The pathway that the fundos point to as the way to victory is to invade Iran. We are already deeply enmeshed in the countries of not only Iraq and Afghanistan but Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE. We have military alliances with Turkey, Egypt and Israel. We don't need more involvement in the Middle East, we need less. It is clear we need to reassess our goals in the Middle East to be more in line with our capabilities.

It is possible that the fundo fascists, neocon bullet heads and oil company profiteers have special interests to pursue in the Middle East, independent of the greater good of the American people. They should be free to pursue private initiatives and programs as they are able and can afford, to further their causes. George Bush has always voiced great interest in becoming a freedom fighter in Afghanistan. He will soon be free to pursue this goal and I, for one, wish him Godspeed in his new crusade.

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