Friday, March 14, 2008

Why Hillary is a Dumb Shit

Hillary can still be President but she only has one chance. She can't win enough votes to come out ahead in either the delegate count or popular vote. She can't sway enough super delegate support to win the nomination as long as Barack is ahead by both those measures. She has made it this far though. She's still raising donation money. There is no compelling reason to drop out.

Hillary is one of the most closely scrutinized figures in American political history. Barack is an almost completely unknown quantity. Something could come out between now and June and Barack could completely self destruct. Sex, money, ideology, religion, it could be anything and it doesn't have to be that major. Should this scenario play out, Hillary steps forward, accepts the nomination, saves the party and waltzes into the White House. Game over.

The beauty of this for Hillary is she doesn't have to do anything, in fact, the less the better. Couple a stump stops a day. Visit a few churches. Wave to the crowds and smile. Show a little noblesse oblige. The reticent but distinguished elder stateswoman. That's the ticket.

Instead, she's down on the killing floor, up to her unattractively thick ankles, in the mud, blood, shit and piss, going at it hammer and tongs with a guy thats got age, strength, speed and reach on her. It's absolutely the worst thing she could be doing. If Barack does get the nomination and the Presidency, he becomes the de facto leader of the Democratic Party. If his feelings are too hurt, Hillary can kiss any hope of ever achieving a Senate leadership position good bye. Why risk it if there is absolutely no point.

What a Dumb Shit.

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