Monday, July 13, 2009

Desi Sissy Tizzy

India has decriminalized homosexuality. I have not been to India. I know Indians. Hindu, Sikh and Muslim. It seems real progressive based on my conception of the country. Homosexuality is still pretty hot button with most of the population. What do I know?

This is an interesting article. The nations leading TV Yogi disagrees with decriminalization of homosexuality. He says application of yoga techniques can cure an individual of the desire to have aberrant sex. This is similar to what Christian teachers proclaim. That a correct understanding of and relationship with their God, can remove the desire for non age appropriate, opposite sex partners not already in a committed sexual relationship with somebody else.

Here is some advice for those seeking to be cured of non standard sexual preferences. Most of the Christian teachers, Muslim Imams, Buddhist monks or Yogi masters showing you how to not be a homo anymore, aren't any more heterosexual than you are. None of them have a clue how to help themselves, much less you. Save a lot of time, effort and money. Find somebody that likes to do what you like to do. It's sad a lot of people never find love. It's not rocket science. If Boy Scouts had a merit badge for it, you could get through it in an afternoon.

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