Friday, July 31, 2009

What Kind Of Computer Do You Want?

Steve Ballmer, who runs Microsoft, now that Bill Gates is retired, is saying again, that the success of Apple is a fluke.

I'm a virtual computer illiterate. I have used both PCs and Apples. I find the Apple experience much easier, more productive and satisfying. My home computer is the most primitive model G5 desktop, with a small, single processor and a very limited amount of RAM. I use it for email, to pay my bills, surfing the Internet and building my little blog. I think I am a typical home user. I wouldn't consider using a PC, even if I got one for free.

A lot of gamers say PCs are much better. They like to build their own machines and put in a lot of processing power and fancy video cards. I think for them, PCs are better. I know that for movie editing, Apples are considered superior. The Corporate community mostly uses PCs and that's the biggest market and probably the most price sensitive. Apple used to do real well selling to public schools and institutions of higher learning but that is no longer the case. The scientific community seems to be split on the question of Apple versus PCs.

I'm not planning on buying a more powerful computer any time soon. I just don't need one and the old one I have, seems like it might keep working flawlessly forever. If I do buy another computer, I would almost certainly get an Apple.

What kind of computer do you use. Why? Are you going to buy a more powerful machine soon? Why? Does anyone have an Apple clone? I'd really like to hear about how those are working out.

1 comment:

beebs said...

Is there such a thing as an apple clone?

I'm on my second year with a Apple macbook pro and I like it.