Friday, July 03, 2009

Hive Head Hikes Into History

After less than a year on the National political stage, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is resigning her position. WTF!

I'm sorry to see her go. She has been the most entertaining and transfixing American politician since the emergence of pro wrestler and ex Navy SEAL Jesse Ventura, Governor of Minnesota. I can't imagine that she still harbors aspirations to high office, with just two and a half years experience as governor, most of it spent involved in unrelated efforts.

Perhaps she will concentrate on authorship of an inspirational book and seek employment on the prayer breakfast circuit or get her own daily cable show on the Fox News Network. That would certainly pay more than her present position and she is not a wealthy woman, yet.

Is it possible that Michael Jackson has written a codicil to his will, designating her as custodian of his finances and guardian of his children?

Even if she just wants to spend more time with her children, smoking methamphetamine and whoring, out on the tundra, who could blame her?

Let's all say a prayer for Sarah and Eskimo Todd, as they continue on, with their little family, in a seemingly aimless, aberrant and intermittent life's journey, much like that of the Alaskan midnight Sun, to which their lives are so irreversibly linked.

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