Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bring On The Moose Killer

The 2012 elections are still a long way off. That's good for the Republicans because they have a lot of rebuilding to do and it looks like they still have a wait until the party completes it's current wave of deconstruction. Daily, more prominent Republican leaders are melting back into the foul black dirt of ignorance and ethnocentric enmity from which they sprung.

Barring complete political catastrophe, the Democrats are going to count on the leadership of their transformational leader, Barry O, to aggressively promote a liberal domestic agenda, while trying to co opt traditionally Republican leaning, independent, family values voters. The Republicans, with a stable of incumbent leaders with histories of graft, corruption, closeted homosexuality or marital infidelity, will have a hard time competing with them.

Karl Rove is counting on historical precedent to replenish Congressional ranks in 2010. I'm not certain that will happen. I think they will be lucky if they pick up enough new seats to replace further losses. They have a few attractive young up and comers with novel backgrounds. Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia is one. Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana is another. I doubt they can make either of these boys fit the mold they need to win the Presidency. I don't think they can retread either Huckybuck or Romney again and hope to win a national election. Who knows, I could be wrong on both counts.

Personally, I think Sarah Palin is too stupid, unsubtle, and mean to be elected President but it is looking more and more like she is the only candidate that can make an impressive enough showing in the Republican primaries to be a believable candidate in 2012. Whatever her failings may be, she is a bonafide modern female candidate. She owes no fealty to a stronger male figure, lurking in the background. Whatever she is, she is self made. This is a milestone in American politics, liberal or conservative.

Win or lose in 2012, the Republicans need to start building a new group of future party leaders. This new crop needs to be packed with women, minorities and people with openly alternative life choices. If they want to make a comeback, it can't be with their father's Republican brand.

I don't think that the culture wars are over. Not by a long shot. Reproductive and Gay rights will continue to be hot issues for years to come. I think that's the way it should be. Easy victories aren't victories at all. The longer that these public dialogs remain hotly debated, the more public opinion on them will moderate, on both sides and that is exactly what is needed. We also need to keep examining racial, religious and cultural diversity and what it takes to meld us all into some kind of workable homogeneous society. We're nowhere near there yet but a lot closer than we used to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on Palin, and I hope she makes it past the primaries. If she does, I think she has a good chance of winning. Why? Not necessarily because she's a woman. It'll be because, as you said, she is self made, and also, because she has traditional family values, and that resonates with most Americans.

Her pregnant-out-of-wedlock daughter notwithstanding. I can tell you from 1st-hand experience that you can bring you're children up in a loving home, learning respect, love and reverence for God and your fellow man, teach your kids right from wrong, and give them every bit of your love, care, knowledge, and wisdom. Yet they will make stupid choices. Some of them have drastic consequences, unfortunately. And our oversexed promiscuousness permissive culture only makes it worse. Even some Christian faiths don't focus on chastity and purity the way they should. They've bought into the lie that "it's only natural" and look the other way. They turn a blind eye or don't understand regarding the sanctity of the body, and the true purpose of marriage and its creative nature.

However I disagree that the GOP needs to accept "alternative lifestyles". That type of thing will be the last nail in the coffin for the GOP. Most Americans still find that type of thing distatsteful. What will bring back the strength of the party will be returning to its traditional family values platform. Sarah Palin represents not only that, but that a woman can reach the highest pinnacles of society and yet retain her identity as a mother and wife.

I also disagree with your "character assessment" of her. Palin is far from stupid. She graduated from the U. of Idaho with a B.Sci in journalism. Not an easy major. Unsubtle? - how about good 'ol American plain talker. Most people want to be soothed and/or lied to, and can't stomach the truth of things. I have yet to see Sarah Palin do or say anything "mean", yet the Slime-Strean-Media has been heaping meanness on her like its going out of style. And the only reason why they're doing that is because she's a threat to everything they hold dear.

I'm praying that she does run, and that she wins. I've had a lot of success with that, too...