Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So Smart

Here's a nifty little article from Australia. A catholic charity set up in support of women seeking abortion, found that most of the women seeking abortion were experiencing economic challenges and abused either physically or psychologically by their domestic partners.

What a surprise.

They advocate social and financial support that will enable these women to bear and raise their children but bemoan the tremendous costs and effort required.

The long term solution is obvious. Criminalize abortion and punish these women even more.


Anonymous said...

So, I have a question for you. Explain to me how a baby punishes a woman?

reddog said...

I was referring to the punishment from the criminal justice system of being prosecuted and sentenced in the courts for the crime of having an abortion.

The punishment that you are referring to is the ostracization most young girls suffer from their families and friends and the inability to continue their educational and career paths, due to the constraints of child rearing.

Anonymous said...

Murder is murder and it should be punished. Both the murderer (abortionist) and the conspirator (mother). That may sound harsh to you, but its no different than the mother telling the doctor to kill the baby moments out of the womb. Babies have survived birth at 24 weeks. But we do abortions right up until the end of the last trimester. I would certainly call that murder.

How sick of a world do we live in when a baby has to be killed so a girl can avoid ridicule and ostracization, continue her schooling or get a job? Why kill the baby? He/she is the only one really being punished, and his/her only crime was to be concieved.

And from what I see these days, the ostracization of the young girls who are pregnant has pretty much fallen by the wayside. There are lots of programs out there now that help young girls in this situation to finish school and pursue careers.

Most of society has pretty much accepted that unwed girls get pregnat out of wedlock. Nary an eyelid is batted. We no longer send girls away to halfway houses if they get pregnant. Families no longer move away to avoid the shame of their daughter being pregnant. Am I wrong?