Thursday, June 11, 2009

And They're The Ones That Make The Eskimo Whore Jokes

As the toll of senseless and deadly gun violence from the Right rises this Summer, instead of trying to curb their rowdier factions, they want to whine that Sarah and Bristol have been made fun of by some late night TV comedian. The mother accused of looking slutty, the daughter of acting it.

They should face facts. Both these women, mother and daughter, are known for the casual use of controlled substances, followed by indiscriminate fornication, out on the tundra, under a cloud of blow flies, in the season of the midnight Sun. Both mother and daughter claim these acts were of love and not commercial. Isn't that what women of this type always say? The days of the mother's youth, when this happened, may be long past, it happened, none the less. The daughter's youth is fresh upon her. With her illegitimate child in tow, she has contracted to teach other young girls the consequences of round healed complicity. She would make a more honest living out on the tundra, butt down in a caribou wallow. The season is right. The nights are long. The methamphetamine is cheap and plentiful. I guess we should be grateful mother and daughter have not taken up arms, to avenge their soiled virtue, spilling yet more blood across the National landscape. The death toll on that would likely run to scores, maybe hundreds.

Walks like a duck. Quacks like a duck. Hoors. Mother and daughter both. God help the poor younger girls still not grown.

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