Monday, June 01, 2009

Radical Right Wing Terrorists, Smoke'em If You Got'em

Not every Muslim is an Islamist. Not every Islamist is a Radical willing to bomb public places, hijack planes or perform Jihad, killing innocents by the thousands and ultimately bringing about the downfall of the West.

The problem is that large numbers of Muslims are willing to remain silent, or even aid and abet their coreligionists that are willing to do these things.

The pro life movement is the same way. There is a history and continuing pattern of grievous violence by those in the pro life movement against their opposition. While those carrying out the violence may be only a small number, many others are obviously not only passively aware but willing to tolerate, aid and abet those among them that do these things. They are a real threat to our society and must be rooted out and destroyed. Thanks to the Bush administration, we have a bureaucracy designed to deal with them.

Turn DHS loose on them. Root them out. Stomp them down. intercept their communications. Infiltrate their organizations. Round them up. Do it now.

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