Saturday, November 13, 2010


I have a question for all of you. According to pollsters, those that like Dancing with the Stars are usually conservative and those that like Madmen are usually liberal.

What kind of people do you think like the new TV drama version of Hawaii-50?

My sister likes Rachael Ray's 30 Minute Meals. What do you think that means?

For several years I had a compulsion to watch the wristwatch sales on the Home Shopping Network late at night and then I switched to ShopNBC. I never was tempted to purchase a wristwatch, I just liked the show. I was able to overcome this compulsion by watching several episodes of Esteban's Flamenco Guitar show.

I think maybe I could set myself up as a therapist by talking with people about what they watch and then recommending other things for them to watch instead, that would balance out their personalities. If somebody was watching a lot of Oprah and Soap operas, I could recommend that they supplement it with some Bob Ross' Joy of Painting and Lucha Libre.

I think maybe I could really help some people out. Turn their lives around in a positive direction.


Steve Harkonnen said...

My sister likes Rachael Ray's 30 Minute Meals. What do you think that means?

Due to lack of fiber, colon cancer?

Anonymous said...

DID you notice that cereal companies don't push fiber content anymore i,e. "Super Colon Blow" SNL.

They can't show risk reduction with increased fiber loading.
