Monday, May 19, 2008


This morning, in Dublin, representatives from a hundred nations will meet to discuss a ban on cluster bombs. Even the International Red Cross, an American creature, is guardedly supportive of the idea. Countless thousands of people around the World will be hideous cripples for the rest of their lives because of these weapons and hundreds more a week are joining them in Iraq, alone. Bush didn't have Condeleeza send anybody. Surprise!

The American military loves cluster munitions. We drop them as bombs, plant them as mines, fire them as missiles and artillery. It is the primary weapon that we have been using, with such great success, to kill hundreds and maim thousands recently, in Basra and Sadr City. They are the most popular anti personnel munition we presently have. It isn't that they are so effective at killing enemy fighters as much as they shred and horribly mutilate virtually everyone within the target area. There is always huge collateral damage. It is a terrorist weapon, with plausible deniability, who could ask for anything more.

I don't guess Heather will be there.

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