Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Turning Point

The polls in West Virginia are about to close. Hillary says this will be a turning point in her campaign. She says that her strength with poorly educated, white, working poor will carry her to the Democratic nomination and then on to the Presidency.

It may not be a turning point. It may be a drop off point. The nominee of the Democratic party for President will be a black man, for the first time ever. It may be time for those who find race to be a deciding issue to find another political home than the Democratic party.

1 comment:

beebs said...

[Hillary says this will be a turning point in her campaign.]

The brand new and improved "Anti-Hillary" is playing the race card and it isn't working.

If the next elections split 50/50, as do the superdelegates Obama still wins.

It should be an interesting convention. Me, I don't vote, I'm an anarchist.