Friday, August 07, 2009

Let The Games Begin

The health care debate is getting interesting. The news media is alive with reports of angry elderly, White, 20 percenters at Town Hall meetings. Did you see the old guy with his shirt ripped down the front, who claimed to have been attacked by "angry union members"? No blood. No Bruises. His toupee wasn't even messed up. Anybody that watches CSI knows the only way a shirt can get ripped like that is, to have someone reach around from behind you or do it yourself. I wonder which one it was in his case?

These angry mobs of old, White people are a recent phenomenon. I don't doubt they are angry. The question is, how angry? The big issues for the Right seem to be peripheral. Let's face it. The only people who really care about high taxes, pay high taxes. The only people who really care about abortion are pregnant. the only people who really give a shit about health care are sick. Are these old Fuckers really that mad? It's like the Vietnam War. The only people that really gave a shit, were the kids that had to go fight it. It's just like Civil Rights. The people really interested in ending the inequity were the ones denied education, good jobs and being strung up from a tree in the town square on Saturday afternoon.

What I want to see is how long these old, lame, whining, rednecks can keep up the show. The next big elections are more than three years away. Let the games begin.

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