Monday, August 10, 2009

Like A Lab Rat in A Skinner Box

How many times have you heard someone say or heard said about someone, that they just never got the breaks they needed. Do you think that's all bullshit? I do. You don't have to be smart to get what you want. You don't have to be lucky.

All any of us needs to do, is let behavioral imperatives take over. Success, status, money, sex, it doesn't matter what it is you want. Whenever you perform a random behavior that gets you what you want, you can identify and repeat that behavior and if it really did get you the thing you desired, it will probably get it for you again. If you order your life so that you perform the behavior a lot, under similar circumstances, you'll soon be awash in that which you desire. It's possible the behaviors you need to perform will also cause you some kind of discomfort. You may hurt others. You may feel guilty about it. You may get dissatisfied or bored with what you're getting and begin emphasizing different behaviors that bring you other things but in the end, it's all up to you. All of us are exactly what we make of ourselves. Criminals, perverts, corporate moguls, drug addicts, the President of the United States, all of us.

Like a lab rat in a Skinner box. No trick to it at all.

Are you unhappy? Start behaving differently.

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