Monday, August 03, 2009

Tim Tebow, Wing Nut Poster Boy?

Tim Tebow, the Heisman Trophy winning Florida Quarterback, gets a lot of press coverage, as much for his Christian background as for his gridiron skills. His parents are fundamentalist Protestant ministers and missionaries. He is the first Heisman Trophy winner to be home schooled. He expresses a desire to enter the ministry himself. Recently he was in the news again for stating he is saving himself sexually, for marriage.

It's real interesting. The fundo-fuck face, "Tiller Killer" crowd, use this young man as a poster boy. They do it because of his faith, Christian upbringing and because his mother was encouraged to have an abortion early in her pregnancy with him, because of possible fetal deformity or damage, and refused. I don't think it would be wrong to characterize his parents philosophy as pro life. It's also not wrong to characterize Tim Tebow's story as inspirational.

The thing is, I've never heard of Tim, his parents or any of his family, opining that abortion or contraception should be criminalized, that chastity should be anything other than a personal decision based on your own relationship with God or that the beliefs of any particular religion should be endorsed or supported above any other, by secular society. I've never heard that they believe that anything more than personal example and a helping hand are needed to bring people toward Christianity. This means that it is highly unlikely that they are related to the kind of mouth foaming, witch hunting, militantly ignorant, Southern redneck, hate mongers that terrorize young women outside clinics, as punishment for the sin of their own humanity and shoot abortion doctors in the head, whenever they get the chance. I don't think they have much in common with the kind of Christians that want to stigmatize and punish homosexuals for the crime of being who they are or keep community churches segregated racially because "those people don't worship the same way we do and they wouldn't be comfortable here with us". I've never heard Tim or his family make any political comments. It wouldn't surprise me if they weren't particularly partisan at all. Imagine that.

I think Tim and his family are cruelly used by these freaks.

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