Thursday, August 20, 2009

Onward Christian Soldiers?

I've been out of the military for more than 30 years. When I served in the US Navy, there was no primary focus on religion, within the service, that I was aware of. It seems to me that this may have changed.

is a testimonial on the subject from a currently serving, young Army officer. I have no reason to believe that he is stretching the truth. What do some of you, with perhaps more recent experience think? Is he right? Has our military been co opted into fundamentalist Christian culture? If yes, are you all right with it? If no, is everything OK?

Here is the flip side, from a guy who says he was an Airborne Ranger and believes the country is in danger, because it is no longer a Christian nation. What do you think about his ideas?

1 comment:

Lee said...

R. C. Murray is clearly nuts but the aviator eyeglasses and the part down the middle of his greased up hair is a good look.