Friday, October 31, 2008

Let's pump our way to energy independence. Oh Baby!

I live in an old oil town, rapidly turning into a seaside paradise, populated by refugees from the Peacock Throne. There are still some oilfields on the South West side of town, with scattered pumps throughout the old downtown area. The South Coast oil deposits in California were once considered important. In those days consumption was a lot less and the deposits contained a lot more oil. Still, every little bit helps. The oil guys in town say those pumps will be producing long after we're all dead.

I noticed something yesterday. Last Summer, when oil was $140 a barrel, all the pumps were busily bobbing up and down. Yesterday, almost none of them were. Greedy fucks at Chevron Oil. Lookin' for a gusher to help solve our energy dependence problem, Sarey Paleface? Golly! Maybe you should bob up and down on my big throbbin' cock. That's a renewable resource you have the technology to tap into immediately.

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