Tuesday, June 15, 2010


There has been a lot of bad press for the Catholic Church over the last several weeks concerning a young mother of four, admitted 11 weeks pregnant, to a Catholic Hospital in Arizona, with a diagnosis of life threatening pulmonary hypertension. This woman, in agreement with her doctors, chose to save her own life by having an abortion. The hospital administrator who allowed the procedure to be performed, an elderly Catholic nun, was confirmed publicly afterward, to be excommunicated from the Church, by the local Catholic Bishop.

This story has not been flattering to the image of the Catholic Church. Many news organs run by Catholic non profit organizations and religious orders have editorialized against the decision to excommunicate the old nun for agreeing to let the hospital perform the abortion on the sick young woman. Public support for the excommunicating bishop is almost non existent and universal for the excommunicated nun. The woman who had the abortion and her doctor are not directly involved in this dust up, since neither one is unfortunate enough to be Catholic.

Now, the Catholic Church has come out with their own heroic young mother to counter all this bad PR. Here's the story. Maybe it will go some ways to restoring the image of the Catholic Church. I'm not sure that it will because the heroine of the story having given her all for motherhood is, of course, dead.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always thought "or to save the life of the mother" was one of those exceptions that the RC church allows.

If men happened to get pregnant, we'd be getting abortions at the first hint of a bad PSA test.

who has a low PSA